=== YouTube Gallery - Best YouTube Video Gallery for WordPress === Contributors: emarket-design,safiye Plugin URI: https://emdplugins.com Author URI: https://emarketdesign.com Donate link: https://emarketdesign.com/donate-emarket-design/ Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 3.3.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Tags: youtube,video,video gallery,youtube gallery,youtube channel YouTube Showcase is a powerful and simple-to-use responsive YouTube video gallery and YouTube video management plugin. == Description == > LIVE DEMO SITE > [YouTube Showcase Starter Demo Site](https://ytshowcasecom.emdplugins.com?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) > Powerful | Easy to use | Beautiful YouTube Showcase helps you display YouTube videos in a gallery or grid view on your site. It is designed for simplicity. Please watch the introduction video to get started. [Mentioned in WPBeginner's Best YouTube Video Gallery Plugins](http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/x-best-youtube-video-gallery-plugins-for-wordpress/) **Get started with YouTube Showcase** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MtOJaKQZKQ **Details** Each YouTube video resides on its own page with WordPress comments enabled. YouTube video pages are automatically created when you insert the YouTube VIDEO ID on the video page. YouTube Video ID is a 11 character string that YouTube uses to uniquely identify each video. For example, the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K4uBRkFJEU has the id 9K4uBRkFJEU. Using video thumbnail quality option for videos, you can change the dimensions of thumbnails offered by YouTube. For example, you can use an image 4:3 ratio instead of default 16:9. However, you should stick to this ratio for all videos. After you install our plugin you will see our setup assistant which creates all the required pages, ready to use. Two YouTube Video Gallery pages are provided: * YouTube Video Gallery * YouTube Video Grid Gallery **YouTube Video Gallery** * Displays YouTube video thumbnail navigation at the bottom. * YouTube Videos are paged after every 8th video. Page navigation is available. You can adjust the number of YouTube videos shown with a shortcode. * For phones, thumbnail navigation is replaced with two large size PREV and NEXT icons. * YouTube videos are ordered by the lasted video first **YouTube Video Grid Gallery** Displays high resolution YouTube video thumbnails in a 4 column responsive layout. YouTube Videos are paged after every 16th video. You can build your YouTube video galleries by adding the VIDEO ID for the videos you’d like. You can add Content and Excerpt for every YouTube video. The YouTube video CONTENT text is displayed in the video page. The video EXCERPT is displayed in *YouTube Video Gallery* page, right below the main video. All YouTube video pages are responsive and adjusts to the container so you do not need to give height or weight. Comes with two sidebar widgets: * Featured YouTube Videos * Recent YouTube Videos **Shortcode Examples** Note: In examples, yoyoma is the slug not the label of tag or category * Display 5 YouTube videos per page. If you have more than 5 videos, it will display a page navigation bar: [video_grid filter="misc::posts_per_page::is::5;"] [video_gallery filter="misc::posts_per_page::is::5;"] * Display YouTube videos with category "yoyoma" [video_grid filter="tax::category::is::yoyoma;"] [video_gallery filter="tax::category::is::yoyoma;"] * Display YouTube videos with tag "yoyoma". [video_grid filter="tax::post_tag::is::yoyoma;"] [video_gallery filter="tax::post_tag::is::yoyoma;"] **RELATED PLUGINS YOU MAY LIKE** * [WP Easy Events Starter](https://wpeasyeventscom.emdplugins.com) Perfect event management and ticketing software for your business. * [WP Easy Contact Starter](https://wpeasycontactcom.emdplugins.com) Complete contact management solution to start, develop and grow your customer relationships. * [Knowledge Center Starter](https://knowledgecenter.emdplugins.com/) Great knowledge base software for helping your customers and employees to find answers faster. * [WP Ticket Starter](https://wpticketcom.emdplugins.com/) Powerful customer support and helpdesk ticketing system. * [Request a quote Starter](https://requestaquote.emdplugins.com/) The Best Sales Quoting software for WordPress. **Best YouTube Video Gallery and Management Plugin for WordPress** * [Dedicated YouTube video pages to grab your visitors' attention](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10590&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Beautiful YouTube video galleries to promote your YouTube videos instantly](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10591&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Manage your YouTube videos in one central location - no more wasting hours for lost YouTube videos](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10588&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Help visitors find similar YouTube videos easily by grouping and tagging](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10592&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Promote YouTube videos on your sidebars](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10670&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Let visitors see your YouTube videos from any device](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10589&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [Empower your non technical staff through video manager user role](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10602&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Set the display order of your YouTube videos by drag and drop](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10671&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Encourage visitors to stay longer by displaying related YouTube videos](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10676&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Customize YouTube player just the way you wanted](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10673&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Many ways to display YouTube videos to make visitors stay on your site longer ](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10674&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Create shortcodes visually to display your YouTube video galleries](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10677&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Display YouTube playlists, channels, search results like no others](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10675&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Expand YouTube video manager role with a few clicks](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10991&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Let visitors know how popular you YouTube videos are by optional video stats ](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10600&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Dedicated, custom commenting system for YouTube videos only](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10672&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Easy import from any YouTube channel or playlist using YouTube API.](https://emdplugins.com/?p=11418&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Premium feature (included in Pro) * [Find YouTube videos faster and track changes with dynamic filters](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10603&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Add-on (included in Pro) * [Bulk import, update or backup your YouTube videos from or to CSV instantly](https://emdplugins.com/?p=10604&pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) - Add-on (included in Pro) **PLUGIN LINKS** * [YouTube Showcase Starter Demo Site](https://ytshowcasecom.emdplugins.com?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [YouTube Showcase Starter Documentation](https://docs.emdplugins.com/youtube-showcase-community/?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [YouTube Showcase Professional Demo Site](https://ytshowcase.emdplugins.com/?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [YouTube Showcase Professional Documentation](https://docs.emdplugins.com/youtube-showcase-professional/?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) * [YouTube Showcase Professional Changes](https://emdplugins.com/articles/yt-scase-pro-wordpress-plugin-changelog/?pk_campaign=youtube-showcase-com&pk_kwd=readme) > This plugin's code was generated by [WP App Studio](https://wpappstudio.com) Professional WordPress Design and Development Platform based on the plugin's design. You can develop a plugin like YouTube Showcase using [WP App Studio](https://wpappstudio.com/quick-start/) plugin and sell its designs by [becoming a SellDev author](https://wpappstudio.com/become-a-selldev-author/)
== Installation == The simplest way to install is to click on 'Plugins' then 'Add' and type 'YouTube Showcase' in the search field. = Manual Installation Type 1 = * Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel. * Click the Add New button. * Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link. * Select the plugin zip file from your computer then click the Install Now button. * You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully. * Click the Activate Plugin link. = Manual Installation Type 2 = * You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don't, see your system administrator. * Copy the plugin zip file up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system. * Copy the "youtube-showcase" folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation. * Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel. * Look for "YouTube Showcase" and click Activate. == Screenshots == 1. Displays a responsive video gallery with thumbnail navigation created automatically during plugin setup 2. Hides thumbnail navigation for devices with screen sizes below 768px. 3. Displays a 4 column responsive video grid gallery created automatically during plugin setup 4. Each video resides on its own page with WordPress comments enabled, optionally you could display Featured and Recent Sidebar Widgets 5. Enter your videos using a simple and intuitive interface from admin video editor 6. YouTube Showcase PRO Edition offers 40-65% faster page loads, many advanced video management,player configuration, and display options. Highly recommended for site owners. 7. Ability to change videos slug 8. [eMD CSV Import Export Extension](https://emdplugins.com/plugin-features/youtube-showcase-importexport-addon/) for bulk import/export from/to CSV files == Changelog == = 3.3.0= * FIXED Pagination bar not showing in mobile devices in the video gallery view. = 3.2.9= * FIXED multi-select form component missing scroll bars when the content overflows its fixed height. = 3.2.8= * TWEAK fixes and improvements for better performance and compatibility = 3.2.7= * TWEAK updates to translation strings and libraries * NEW Added version numbers to js and CSS files for caching purposes * TWEAK tested with WP 5.5.1 = 3.2.6= * NEW Added previous and next buttons for the edit screens of videos * TWEAK updates and improvements to libraries =3.2.5= * TWEAK updates and improvements to form library * TWEAK Emd templates =3.2.4= * TWEAK Fix issue related to extensions =3.2.3= * TWEAK Remove unused code and additional hardening for security =3.2.2= * FIXED Paging issue on Video Gallery * FIXED XSS related issues =3.2.1= * TWEAK Emd form builder upgrade messages =3.2.0= * NEW Added Emd form builder support * FIXED Session cleanup workflow by creating a custom table to process records. =3.1.1= * TWEAK Misc. library updates for better stability and compatibility. = 3.1.0 = * NEW Created a new shortcode page which displays all available shortcodes. You can access this page under the plugin settings. * TWEAK Emd templating system to match modern web standards =3.0.1= * FIXED the Jump from the selected video to the main video frame in Firefox. =3.0.0= * NEW Added a sidebar widget allowing to search videos by title, category or tag. * NEW Added ability enable or disable any video search field in the plugin settings. * NEW Added option to show login or register before searching videos - handy feature for private or customer only videos. * NEW Added option to use captcha in video search submissions in the plugin settings. * NEW Added option to set No results found and No access messages in the plugin settings. * TWEAK Improved the emd templating system removing obsolete code. * TWEAK Updated the third party code included in the plugin. =2.9.7= * TWEAK Misc. library updates for better stability and compatibility. = 2.9.6 = * TWEAK Fixed the issue related to video thumbnails not displayed correctly in the widgets when video image resolution field is set. = 2.9.5 = * NEW Demo site - https://ytshowcasecom.emdplugins.com/ - where the latest version of YouTube Showcase Starter edition is installed. * TWEAK Featured and recent video widget now use Video Image Resolution field to set the video image thumbnail and defaults to medium quality resolution. * TWEAK Video grid and Video Grid Gallery thumbnails now use Video Image Resolution field to set the video image thumbnail and defaults to medium quality resolution. =2.9.0 = * FIXED paging css * TWEAK library updates = 2.8.0 = * FIXED widget sidebar is not responding to screen size changes issue * NEW YouTube Showcase introduction video = 2.7.6 = * FIXED video gallery paging issue = 2.7.5 = * TWEAK All gallery pages will show 6 columns on desktop, 4 columns on tablets, 3 columns on phones * TWEAK Removed ellipsis for long video titles. It displays full titles for Video Grid. = 2.7.2 = * TWEAK Removed ellipsis for long video titles. It displays full titles * TWEAK Made all video thumb images full width to cover all available space = 2.7.0 = * NEW Added custom JavaScript option in plugin settings under Tools tab * NEW Added container type field in the plugin settings * FIXED wpautop issue with br tags * FIXED PHP 7 compatibility * TWEAK Updated codemirror libraries for custom CSS and JS options in plugin settings page = 2.6.0 = * NEW Added ability to disable EMD Templating system and switch back to theme based system from plugin settings * FIX PHP 7 compatability * TWEAK Minor shortcode page navigation fixes and improvements = 2.5.1 = * Fixed deleting WordPress category and tags when clicked on “Remove All Data” checkbox under Video Settings > Tools and deleted the plugin from WordPress Plugin page = 2.5.0 = * NEW Added new templating sytem which allows changing page templates for video, video archive and taxonomy pages from plugin settings * NEW Added Custom CSS area where one can put in plugin related CSS code specific to their own site * NEW Ability to hide page navigation links from plugin settings = 2.4.0 = * NEW Added ability to rename videos slug in the settings * NEW Added ability to enable/disable plugin Bootstrap css/js files * Fixed search results issue = 2.3.0 = * Minor bug fixes and code improvements = 2.2.0 = * Compatibility with WordPress 4.5 and misc. bug fixes * Added ability to disable/enable thumbs navigation in mobile devices = 2.1.0 = * Fixed video audio playing after the second video clicked issue in video gallery view. = 2.0.0 = * Changed the order of the videos Descending to display the new videos first in the gallery * Enabled thumb navigation for tablets * Changed the video displayed per page to 16 for Grid and Thumbs * Adjusted grid column numbers 6(Large), 4(Medium) and 3(Small) devices * Enabled page navigation on Video Grid Gallery * Added title link to video single page in Video Gallery * Added video title to video grid gallery = 1.4.1 = * Fixed the video navigation issue when WordPress is installed in subdirectory. * Fixed setting translation issue = 1.4.0 = * Fixed the issue related to HTML5 video player not playing by default * Fixed the issue related to videos not displayed on the gallery (Blank video was showing) when clicked on video thumbnail = 1.3.0 = * Added ability to enable or disable thumbnail navigation for the screens less than 768px * Added ability to enable or disable video autoplay * Removed unnecessary CSS rules = 1.2.0 = * Added video thumbnail quality selector which may help for the video thumbnail not coming from YouTube issue * Removed unnecessary css = 1.1.0 = * Moved responsive arrow head icons closer to the video * Improved compatibility with the other themes and plugins. = 1.0.1 = * Cleaned up the code related to Video Grid * Fixed issue with Video Grid Gallery Navigation = 1.0.0 = * Initial release